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Effective Velocity Formula Breakdown: Best High Level Front Arm Bat Path Baseball & Softball Swing


What you’ll learn in this Effective Velocity formula breakdown…Discover the REAL “high level” front arm bat path baseball and softball swing.  That is IF you’re looking for your hitters to hit their max, or close to their max, ball exit speeds:

  • Get 100% on-time…
  • Use 100% most effective swing…
  • And strike the ball 100% on the sweet spot!

In case you missed the other parts to Perry and my conversations, then here you go:



Why Your Baseball Swing is Fundamentally Flawed: Experts Joey Myers and Perry Husband Spill the Truth


In this meeting, we discuss various aspects of hitting and pitching strategies in baseball.

Unleash your hitting potential with Maximum Exit Velocity! Power up your swing, master pitch selection, and skyrocket your performance... CLICK HERE TO BUY
Unleash your hitting potential with Maximum Exit Velocity! Power up your swing, master pitch selection, and skyrocket your performance... CLICK HERE TO BUY

Hitting Techniques

We delve into the intricacies of hitting techniques, including:

  • The importance of maintaining a locked-out lead arm
  • Creating a stretch in the wrist
  • Maximizing leverage and consistency in the swing

We also explore trade-offs, such as:

  • Hitting homers on low and away pitches versus killing the top of the zone
  • The importance of getting hands to the right position when loading

Additional Hitting Concepts

  • Hitting the ball back through a tube
  • Skipping the barrel across a table
  • The difference between effective and ineffective barrel paths in different parts of the strike zone

Swing Flaws and Their Impact

We cover the importance of understanding swing flaws in hitting and how they can affect a player’s ability to make solid contact with the ball. We caution against copying the swings of professional players who are bigger and stronger, explaining that what works for them may not work for others.

The Physical Best Swing

We discuss the physical best swing a hitter can make, which is the most efficient, powerful, and consistent.

Timing and Angles

We emphasize the importance of understanding:

  • Timing tendencies
  • Angles that hitters hit pitches at

These aspects are often not taken into account in scouting reports.

Pitching Strategies

We also cover pitching strategies and how they can be used to dominate hitters. We analyze specific examples from recent games and discuss:

  • The importance of understanding the speed differential between pitches
  • The need for pitchers to be aware of their pitch counts
  • Focusing on inducing ground balls to minimize the number of pitches thrown

Overall, we highlight the importance of effective pitching strategies in achieving success on the mound.

Data Analysis and Testing Theories

Throughout the meeting, we emphasize the importance of analyzing data and testing out theories to improve hitting and pitching strategies.

Final Thoughts and Resources

We encourage listeners to try out our techniques and see what works best for them. We also express mutual respect and admiration for each other’s work, and provide information on where people can find Perry’s books and website.

Unleash your hitting potential with Maximum Exit Velocity! Power up your swing, master pitch selection, and skyrocket your performance... CLICK HERE TO BUY
Unleash your hitting potential with Maximum Exit Velocity! Power up your swing, master pitch selection, and skyrocket your performance... CLICK HERE TO BUY

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John M. Meatte Jr.
John M. Meatte Jr.
John M. Meatte Jr.
John M. Meatte Jr.