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#5: Know where you can find a secret hitting treasure trove on social media? We’ve filtered and organized most of our blog posts with five different hashtags:
- #CatapultLoadingSystem – type this into your favorite social media search bar, and you’ll get all our “Build More Power” posts,
- #PitchPlaneDomination – type this into your favorite social media search bar, and you’ll get all our “Hit More Line Drives” posts,
- #ReactionTimeMastery – type this into your favorite social media search bar, and you’ll get all our “Get On-Time More Often” posts,
- #StickyCoaching – type this into your favorite social media search bar, and you’ll get all our “How To Make Coaching Stick” posts,
- #MoveBetterPerformBetter – type this into your favorite social media search bar, and you’ll get all our “Better Movement Performance” posts…
Just search any of the above terms, and like magic, all the relevant posts are at your fingertips! Outside of that…
#6: We Love Hearing From You!
For all other correspondence:
If you need to contact us with any -questions, feedback, testimonials, or suggestions, please send an email to: joey@hittingperformancelab.com. Or you can call us toll free: 559-709-5808. All emails are responded to within 24 to 48 hours, except -weekends and holidays.
Company Contact Information:
Hitting Performance Lab LLC
8930 N. 6th Street
Fresno, CA 93720
Hi! I would like to work with you and to post a couple of great articles on your website. I think we might work something out and try to make a great collaboration. Let me know what you think.
Best Regards
What kind of articles do you think would fit in a baseball/softball hitting site?
Same here. Just sent you a message, Joey.
Roger that!
Saw your article on Mickey Mantle ,My Son ( who himself payed pro ball ) even though not of my generation loved the way Mickey ( I was a Mays fan ) played so he named his son after him Mickey , Gilligan .Mickey is now 15 , 5’ 10” ,170lb so only an inch and 25lbs from what Mantle played at .
Mickey can run ,6.7 in the 60 ,can hit with 400+ power ,and has a cannon ( 90+ on the mound ) and his pop times to second is better than many big leaguers, only a freshman in High School has already received a full tuition verbal scholarship to Big Ten Rutgers University who consider him the top class of 2026 catcher in the county
See Mickey Google Mickey Gilligan Twitter please let me know what you think aop7@optonline.net Joe Gilligan Sr
Thanks for sharing Joe!