Private Pitching Velocity Training & Accuracy Development Program Baseball Coaching Lessons For Youth And Beginners In Fresno, CA | Drills, Equipment, & Balance

Podcast interview with Mike Gillen.  Private pitching velocity training and accuracy development program baseball coaching lessons for youth and beginners in Fresno, CA.  We chat about baseball pitching drills, equipment, and balance in this interview.

Baseball Pitching Training Interview: Top Two Mistakes That Coaches Are Making in Baseball Pitching Training?




Here’s what we cover in this baseball pitching training interview with my pitching coach Michael Gillen from (about 29-minute read time)

  • Give us a little look at your baseball pitching training setup over there.
  • Who you are, the kind of your mentors on the pitching side, who guides you and your training?
  • Top two mistakes that either pitchers or coaches are making in teaching pitching?
  • What do you feel with the whole Tommy John stuff? What do you feel like the top two issues that are leading to that?
  • When reading about spinal engine springy fascia, were you were able to apply those principles to pitching?
  • What are those two baseball pitching training things that you go, alright, we need to fix those right away?
  • Like hitting, is there such thing as over-rotating when pitching?
  • Tell people where your website is, your social media, any kind of deals or what kind of deals that you do, obviously, locally, right? But are you doing some online lessons? Let people know that kind of stuff.

As usual, I’ve transcribed the baseball pitching training interview for your convenience with handy-dandy little video timestamps.  Enjoy the conversation with my favorite pitching coach, Mike Gillen, as we discuss baseball pitching training…

Joey Myers
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2 replies
  1. Steven Reilly
    Steven Reilly says:

    Great interview Joey. Makes me want to rethink the old one-knee drill. Much of these concepts of the pitching delivery were espoused many years ago by Brent Strom before people began to buy into what he was saying. But I always remember at a Frozen Ropes clinic in New York he called pitching movements like traveling downhill on a flat bed trailer with a carousel and a ferris wheel with the arm action being the ferris wheel and the carousel being the hips. The first time also I learned that the old balance leg balance drill was counter momentum pitching. I wonder if Mike has come up with a drill to teach the forward movement?

    • Joey Myers
      Joey Myers says:

      Steven, all great observations and I totally agree. Mike does have some drills for forward momentum. I’ll try and get him to follow up on your comment, but I do know he uses a weighted sled in one of his drills (one of our mutual hitting/pitching students told me).

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