Trevor Story 505 Foot Homerun


Trevor Story 505 Foot Homerun: The Biggest Lies From Hitting Guru #57


Was it because of Coors field?  High altitude is part of the equation, adding about 5% to batted ball distance according to bat-ball collision expert Physicist Dr. Alan Nathan.  CLICK HERE, scroll down, and read under the subhead, “Effect of Altitude on Batted Baseballs”.  So the Trevor Story 505 foot homerun at Fenway would have landed about 480-feet from home plate. Still, not bad.

Trevor Story 505 Foot Homerun

Trevor Story 505 Foot Home run: check out him ‘showing those numbers’ & ‘hiding those hands’! Photo courtesy:

Corked bat? CLICK HERE for a paper Dr. Nathan wrote studying the effects of corked bats on batted ball distance and concluded:

“Although the present study shows that corked bats do not result in longer home runs, it makes no statement about whether home runs might be hit more often with a corked bat.” – Top of page 577

Body mass?  According to, Trevor Story is 6’1″, 210-lbs.  The Trevor Story 505 foot homerun is the longest dinger in Statcast history, at Coors field, surpassing Giancarlo Stanton’s (6’6″, 245-lbs) record by 1-foot at the same ballpark.  Bat speed is a better indicator of batted ball distance than body mass…Dr. Alan Nathan said this to me over the phone.

Any other excuses out there besides good effective hitting mechanics? 😛  ANY hitter with the optimum launch angle, and hitting the right part of the bat is one of the best starts.

Hitting Guru #57 will have a hard time explaining some of the things in the above Trevor Story 505 foot home run video analysis.  We’ll be answering the question of how the Trevor Story 505 foot homerun happened:

  • Trevor Story 505 foot homerun (and the other 2 other dingers he hit in the same game),
  • Legs v. Spinal Engine – legs not necessary for locomotion, they’re an enhancement,
  • Locomotion of a quadriplegic,
  • Water Polo throw, and
  • Anthony Rizzo homer falling down.

Here are some Hitting Performance Lab posts mentioned in the video:

Joey Myers
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14 replies
  1. Joe
    Joe says:


    Got it. Hitting Guru #57 is some guy/girl who won’t put his/her name on his/her commentary, like the New York Times op-ed writer who criticizes anonymously (Sorry, didn’t mean to bring politics into this but hitting has become political, if not religious.). Hitting Guru #57, put a name on it – Joey has explained it as well as it can be explained.

  2. DeLong Sr.
    DeLong Sr. says:

    I like to think that the power and the speed of the barrel that is created in Trevor’s swing occurred with or without the bend of his front leg. I do not believe that the front leg has to straighten as long as the upper body doesn’t leak over the front side. I typically see about a 5-10 mph loss of barrel speed when there is an upper body slide. I would love to measure Trevor’s hand and barrel speeds as well as his launch angles of his barrel. One of the biggest reasons I believe he hits it so far, are his angles of his hands, wrists, and bat at impact. It’s a pretty square position, which is why he does not hook that ball foul, even though the ball is way inside, which maximizes the ricochet effect for batted ball distance. But, no doubt though, this kid is way strong regardless of his size and he has a great swing which maximizes his rotational forces that are created by his core and his shoulders.
    Take care Joey,
    Coach DeLong

    • Joey Myers
      Joey Myers says:

      Bingo Coach DeLong! I totally agree. I have another future post I’ll be doing with info I didn’t add in having to do with the center of percussion (sweet spot), how to train it, and the parabola arc (launch angle matters for distance) of these monster shots. Yes, if the spinal engine is sequenced properly, the hands and barrel speed up! Bat speed is a better indicator of batted ball distance than body mass. Keep up the great work Coach!

  3. Jonas
    Jonas says:

    I would assume that the same hitting principals apply to slow pitch soFtball. Have you ever taken on a competitive slow pitch player as a student. I have a ,medical background and everything you say makes perfect sense to me.

    • DeLong Sr.
      DeLong Sr. says:

      I don’t think you are talking to me, but if you are, definitely it applies the same to a slow pitch player. Bio-mechanics plays a big role in any type of swing speed. Definitely high level speeds as well as improved impact positions and launch angles create the optimum batted ball distances. I think that with slow pitch hitting, there is a greater margin for less error that is incorporated into the hitters timing, meaning that its easier to be on time because of no variation of pitch speeds. Therefore if the timing is not affected in any way, the hitters barrel speeds can reach its highest capable velocity.
      Coach DeLong

      • Djura
        Djura says:

        Are you implying that swinging rods using the spinal engine may be the same… that goes with softball, baseball and any other rod… Yes if your following me… it’s substantial the same… ALL RODS! ~DM

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