Hitting Instructors Near Me? (Need Your Help!)

How To Find Baseball Or Fastpitch Softball “Hitting Instructors Near Me”Hitting Instructors Near Me

Do you consider yourself openly honest and transparent?  If so, then I need your help instructors!

One of the biggest questions I get from readers is:

“How do I find baseball or softball hitting instructors near me that teach what you teach at the Hitting Performance Lab?”

#1: I want you to know we have an online hitting lesson program called The Feedback Lab found here.

In some cases, I have go-to instructors like Josh Copeland in GA, Jim Ambrosius in Jersey, or Taylor Gardner in OK.  But for most cases, I have no clue.  So I’m putting together an Excel spreadsheet of coaches to be a solution to: “How do I find baseball or softball hitting instructors near me?”


NOTE to Searching Parents

The list will be continually updated and trimmed.  Just like eBay, buyers are protected from BAD sellers with the help of buyer feedback.  That’s WHY it’s CRITICAL you provide us with that same kind of honest and transparent feedback on the “hitting instructors near me” coaches.  For that, you can contact us here.  OR, you can post your “review” below in the comments section. Also note, if there are no “hitting instructors near me” yet, then please feel free to look into our online hitting lesson program The Feedback Lab.

That being said, Click the “GET ACCESS NOW!” button below to access the spreadsheet…

My advice to filter the results is to hold down “control + F” to open the “Find” function on your PC, and type in the desired city or state, and press “enter”.  For example, try typing “California” or “CA”.  I’m not sure how to do that on a Mac, so please Google it.

NOTE to Instructors

If you’re openly honest and transparent, and support the human movement principles validated by REAL Science, then YOU WILL be rewarded with more local hitting lessons.  You’re welcome 😉  That being said, if we get an email or public review in comments down below claiming “bait & switch”, then we reserve the right to remove you from the list.  Instructors, please Click the “FILL OUT FORM” link below to fill out the form…

THANK YOU in advance!

Joey Myers
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