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How To Turn A Beach Towel Into A Hitting Demonstration



Here’s a great way to help coaches and players understand taking slack out of the system, demonstrating the power of the spinal engine.

We call it the “coiling” core, NOT the “braced” core most teach their hitters.  A braced core is fantastic in the weight room, but NOT in the batter’s box.  CLICK HERE for an interview I did with Bosu Ball inventor David Weck, where he takes a deeper dive into this.

Some understand the importance of shoulder-hip separation, but what most don’t know is that we MUST create tension in the neck – where the ‘C’ and ‘T’ sections of the spine connect, as well.

And here’s what most ARE NOT saying…an inward turn of the hips is not important, if not detrimental, to the beach towel effect of the spinal engine.

Many say the swing of Ted Williams resembled the twisting of a Barber Pole.  The above video clearly demonstrates what was happening in his swing that some observed.  CLICK HERE for a post I did on the swing of Ted Williams.

Joey Myers
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6 replies
  1. Joe
    Joe says:


    Ted Williams’ front side pelvis turned in toward the catcher. It didn’t stay neutral. The arrows in the diagrams. on pages 40 and 47 in THE SCIENCE OF HITTING show the front side pelvis turning in. Not saying that is advisable but, that’s what he did and showed in his book.

    • Joey Myers
      Joey Myers says:

      I agree Joe, but this is where I think Ted Williams didn’t have all the information…an inward turn of the hips is not important, if not detrimental to the beach towel effect of the spinal engine. It’s the tension and compression forces we’re looking for. Turning the pelvis in towards the catcher (as Williams stated), you’re putting slack in the system. We have to get the head and pelvis twisting in the same direction, while the shoulders twist opposite.

      • Joe
        Joe says:

        I agree. Not saying that Ted Williams was right, as funny as that sounds. How could “the greatest hitter who ever lived” be wrong? Almost sounds blasphemous. Yet he had a great down-and-in front shoulder “counter-movement” which was his term. It was similar to that of Barry Bonds. The pelvis is neutral in that movement.

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