Fun Game Like Batting Practice Hitting Stations To AVOID Baseball Or Softball Mental Block & Struggling At The Plate

Discover fun game like batting practice hitting stations to AVOID the dreaded baseball or softball mental block and struggling at the plate.

Discover The “Paradoxical Intention” Secret To Making Adjustments



In this video, we’ll discuss:

  • Man’s Search For Meaning, by Dr. Victor Fankl and his theory of “Paradoxical Intention”
  • Making “horizontal” hitting adjustments,
  • Making “vertical” hitting adjustments, and
  • Making adjustments to the point of impact.
Joey Myers
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5 replies
  1. Djura
    Djura says:

    I love this Joey. The 3 stripes around the bat is awesome. Did you come up with that? I’ve notice that many young kids actually don’t know where the sweet spot was on the bat… That surprised me but than again I’m not a big time instructor like you?…. I like where you were going in this article but I see it using a different angle…

    I see the 3 spots and quickly think of your diversity drills… Also you know how I think of the hands…The top hand ought to reflect the sweet spot… So if the batter can’t hit the sweet spot… There’s an alignment issue and/or approach issue… Obviously the top hand is strong so the body can press against the bat…later…


  2. Djura
    Djura says:

    The 4 man outfield was classic. I think the batter got a hit too… Still, this shows that batters today better know how to approach the ball or else they will figure you out…

    It’s amazing how so many are concerned about bat speed, ground balls, distance….etc…

    We should be concerned with hitting line drives on every pitch all over the field… Than learn how to hook and how to push the other way… And if we accidentally hit a homer…We’ll take it… Seems simple enough…Until someone who doesn’t know how to hit says this is asking too much…


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