See what the best free biomechanical sports video analysis software for coaching baseball and softball swings in 2022.  You can use this Powerchalk video analysis software for pitching, golf, and basketball as well.  For use on Mac or PC.

What Sports Video Analysis Software Do You Use With Your Hitters? Interview with Powerchalk Founder Chaz Henry…




In this sports video analysis software interview with Powerchalk founder Chaz Henry, we discuss…Sports Video Analysis Software For Baseball

  • What sports video analysis software do you use?
  • Who is Chaz Henry? What’s his background in?
  • The fascinating history of Powerchalk and machine learning…
  • Difference of amateur hitter’s up shoulders at landing versus professional hitter’s down shoulders…
  • What machine learning, aka “Artificial Intelligence” (AI), means to the future of video analysis…
  • “What I’ve done is I’ve kind of shown how the machine can grade you, can look at these frames and grade you [the swing] …”
  • How to objectively take a swing “red” light and turn it “green” …
  • “I don’t pretend at all that I’m doing away with, or that I’m automating a real hitting coach; I see it as a second opinion…”
  • Using machine learning to recognize dysfunctional movement like immobile joint and diagnose corrective exercise, so that a hitter moves better…
  • Where can they go to find Powerchalk obviously, and then is there a place they can go to check out this new AI machine learning stuff?

Parents, team coaches, and instructors ask me all the time, which sports video analysis software that I use.  I use Powerchalk for all my video analysis on the PC.  You don’t have to download anything to your computer, which can make it run slow.  And if at any time, anything is a little buggy with the software (doesn’t happen often), then Chaz and his team is right there to fix it right away.

CLICK HERE for the transcription of the sports video analysis software interview with Chaz Henry, founder of


SwingAway Baseball Swing Trainer: How-To Build A Swing You Can Be Proud Of…


This article presents a general framework to conduct 8th grade science fair project hitting experiment ideas for baseball and softball players. Sweet spot swing experiment topics should include Physics articles, books, facts, and questions.  Using the scientific method is key…

I’ve wanted to do a “how-to experiment” post for a long time.  But in the past, technology hadn’t quite caught up,

SwingAway Trainer: Pro Baseball Traveler

SwingAway Trainer: Pro Baseball Traveler

…and NOW it has!

Mark Twain once said:

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

I want:

  • …To lay out the landscape, in this Baseball Swing Trainer post, about using the SwingAway for conducting hitting experiments,
  • …This article to empower you to take up arms with me, and turn conventional hitting wisdom on its stubborn little head, and
  • …To inspire you to use modern technology to build a swing we ALL can be proud of.

I’m embarrassed to share the following story…

I did my first hitting experiment in the sixth grade with a buddy, for a school project.

My friend and I ran an experiment to see if a wood or aluminum bat could hit the ball farther.

One day after school, we pitched to each other at the Little League diamond we played our games at.  We used two aluminum Easton baseball bats and a Ken Griffey Jr. signature Louisville Slugger woody.  One aluminum bat was 32-inches and 24-ounces, and the other was 31-inches and 23-ounces.  And I can’t remember what the woody measurements were, but it was comparable.

I think we might have hit about 50 balls with each bat (150 balls total) and get this…measured the distance with our feet! 😀 lol

Based on our results, guess which bat hit the ball the farthest?  Wood or aluminum?  The wood bat!!!  Waaa??

Well, it was only because we weren’t being very scientific with our scientific experiment.  One of the big reasons we didn’t get a good grade on the project was because we DID NOT isolate the variables

  • We threw LIVE batting practice to each other.  We should have used a baseball hitting trainer like a batting tee or SwingAway (wasn’t around at the time).
  • We both took turns hitting, and didn’t separate our individual batted ball distances.
  • We used different sized bats.
  • We measured using our own feet…I was a men’s 8/9 at the time, and my buddy was an 11. We should’ve used a rolling tape measure.
  • We only took a small data sample size. We should’ve hit 100 balls with the wood bat, and then 100 with aluminum.  AND we should have only used one of the aluminum bats (preferably the one closest in size and weight to the woody).  So 400 swings total (200 swings for me, 200 for my friend).  Then compared apples to apples.

Remember, failure is only a detour, not a dead end 😉

The good news is,

You don’t have to be a scientist to run a hitting experiment.

What follows is the exact formula I use now, to run my hitting experiments using the SwingAway baseball swing trainer.  My hopes is that you pick up arms, and join me in the fight…


The Definitive Guide to Conducting a Baseball Swing Trainer Experiment

Up until now, here are SIX hitting experiments I’ve run:


Equipment & Setup

You can read the full list at the above swing experiment links.  But here are a couple pieces of equipment that will have a drastic effect on bean counting and saving time doing the experiment itself…

BlastMotion Baseball App
Baseball Swing Trainer: Zepp Baseball App

Zepp Baseball App

Great tool for collecting data.  It’s not perfect, but all we need is an apples to apples comparison.  Unfortunately, the Zepp app DOES NOT allow you to separate experiment swings from recreational ones.  You have to delete ALL swings before doing an experiment, unless you want to do the bean counting yourself.

You’ll also need to create two email accounts with Zepp to separate the two experiment tests.  Zepp allows you to “Add a Hitter” in one account, but it doesn’t allow you to separate that data from other hitters or swings and average the data out.

SwingAway Baseball Swing Trainer

I just started using a SwingAway for my swing experiments.  I used to hit the ball off an ATEC Tuffy Batting Tee, but it was taking me 2 1/2 to 3 hours to run my experiments.  Fatigue could set in and skew the results.  Some experiments where you’re looking at ball flight (like Bent Back Knee experiment above) will most definitely need to be done off a batting tee.

Using the SwingAway baseball swing trainer took me only 1 1/2 hours!  NO need for:

  • Ball cleanup,
  • Ball setup, or
  • Waiting more than a few seconds for the ball to return to its stationary position.

This saved me a ton of time.  All you need is a 10 X 10 space to conduct your SwingAway baseball swing trainer experiment.

Baseball Swing Trainer Experiment Optimization Tips…

  • Limit Variables – The main objective of a baseball swing trainer hitting Experiment, is to isolate what you’re trying to test.  Like my sixth grade experiment from earlier, there were too many variables that we didn’t control.
  • Priming the Pump – I always start an experiment by warming up my body with a pre-practice routine, similar to this Dr. Stanley Beekman’s post.  You don’t have to do all included exercises, so pick about eight of them.  I’ll also take about 10-15 swings focusing on the specific mechanic I’m going to be testing that day.  For example, if I was testing showing the pitcher my numbers versus not, then I’d do 10-15 swings both ways, so 20-30 swings total before officially starting the experiment.  We prime the pump so nobody can see, “Well, your numbers sucked in the beginning because you weren’t warmed up.”
  • Counter-Balancing – The two tests in the experiment should be counterbalanced.  Which consisted of eight blocks of 25-swings done in the following order ABBA BAAB.  Say “showing the numbers” was letter ‘A’, and “not showing the numbers” was letter ‘B’.  200 total swings are to be completed in the experiment, 100 per test.  Counter-balancing helps remove the “getting tired” and “not being warmed” up factors.
  • More Data Points – I take at least 100 swings for both tests in the experiment, so 200 swings total (not counting warm-up swings).  So, taking the “showing numbers” as an example, I’d take 100 swings showing my numbers, and then take another 100 swings not showing my numbers.  The Zepp App is a useful technology, but isn’t super accurate.  But the more data you collect, the closer to the “real” numbers you’ll get.
  • Break the Swing Apart – If you aren’t confident that you can repeat a specific mechanic consistently for 100 swings, then break the swing apart, like I talk about in this YouTube video.  I did this in the showing the numbers experiment above.
  • Collect Ball Flight Data (optional) – for some mechanics, like testing the back leg angle during the turn experiment, it’s critical to collect ball flight data on the Zepp app.  Zepp allows you to manually input where you hit the ball after each swing.  Testing the grip on the bat would be another example.  Also, adding Ball Exit Speed readings could enhance the baseball swing trainer experiment, Bushnell Velocity Radar Gun (about $80), or Stalker Radar Gun ($500+).  ESPN’s uses the latter in all MLB ballparks.  Just remember, accuracy isn’t as important as an apples to apples comparison.
  • Recovery – I usually will give my body about 30-minutes rest between the first 100 swing test and the second.  I now use supplement timing like Zach Calhoon maps out in these posts.  I sip on Zach’s “concoction” throughout the full experiment to keep my muscles fueled.  I then take Vitamin C and E capsules afterward to help with soreness.
  • Brainstorming Experiments – Don’t have any ideas on what to test?  I did the heavy lifting for you.  And by no means is this an exhaustive list of possible experiments. CLICK HERE for my brainstormed list.
  • Take Notes – make note of my “notes” in the above experiments.  Basically, the notes section are things that you noticed while doing the tests that may not be apparent to the person reading about the experiment.


In Conclusion…

In this baseball swing trainer post about using the SwingAway for hitting experiments, I wanted to lay out the landscape and empower you to help me take up arms.  I want to turn conventional hitting wisdom on its head, and use modern baseball swing trainer technology to build a swing we ALL can be proud of.

Let’s revisit the Mark Twain quote from earlier:

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

I need your help and can’t fight this fight alone.  I want you to take action…

My challenge to you is let’s band together and conduct 30 Experiments in the next 30 days.  If all of us do at least one swing experiment, then we should be able to knock this goal out by July 15th.

Just post your baseball/softball hitting experiment results below in the comments section.  Reply with:

  • What experiment you ran (from the brainstorm list above)?
  • How many swings per test (i.e. 100/100), and what order did you do the test?
  • What bat did you use (length, weight, and wood/aluminum)
  • Hit off tee or Swingaway baseball swing trainer?
  • What metric changes were significant (bat speed/hand speed/bat vertical angle at impact/attack angle/ball flight/ball exit speed)?

Thanks in advance for your baseball swing trainer experiment comments!

How To Master Strike Zone Baseball with V-Flex Pitch Detection System

Discover how to get baseball and softball players recognizing pitches and seeing the ball better with the V-Flex Sports hitting system.  Check out this training drills 2022 review…

I have a strike zone baseball mastery, pitch detection, pitch tracking baseball, pitch recognition (whatever you want to call it) gem for you coaches…

(This post has a 6-min reading time)

And FYI … many coaches who know about this, DO NOT want you to know about it.  Why?  Because they want to keep their competitive advantage.  I don’t play that game.  I’d rather share the knowledge, tool, or strategy, so it makes baseball and softball of all levels better.  All ships rise with the tides.

Training pitch tracking baseball and softball developing a sense of the strike zone, to have a pitch detection or recognition system if you will, can be a challenge. You may not know how to teach it, cue it, or drill it.Strike Zone Baseball: Pitch Detection & Pitch Tracking Baseball

What if I were to tell you that you could use a pitch tracking baseball tool like the V-Flex, which promotes implicit learning, that will teach hitters pitch detection and how to master strike zone baseball. What is implicit learning? Simply put, it’s teaching without teaching.

Here are some pain points associated with strike zone mastery, pitch detection, pitch tracking baseball, pitch recognition – whatever you want to call it:

  • Don’t know how to teach swing at more strikes, and not at balls,
  • I do know how, but it’s difficult to teach and we’re not seeing immediate results, or
  • Want to cut down on my hitter striking out and swinging and missing, but don’t know where to start…

Well, you’re in the right place.  Here are the pitch tracking baseball and softball models to choose from, and you can get any one of these at The Starting Lineup Store

VX-3 Strike Zone Baseball Benefits (Baseball & Softball)

  •  The VX-3.0 is the smallest trainer in the VX-Series of products.
  • It plays a vital role in creating tangible space for enhancing strike recognition for hitters.
  • This implicit trainer engages the hitters brain directly and provides necessary non-verbal spatial information relative to mastering strike recognition on game day.  
  • It can be used independently or in combination with the VX-5 and or VX-7 during training or live bp on the field. 
  • This piece comes with a User’s Manual and a visual aid for demonstrating the areas of focus during training.
  • Watch the VX-3 assembly video to gain tips on how to assemble…

VX-3 Pitch Detection Features (Baseball & Softball)

  • Frame is made of 3/8″ X 1″ 6061 aircraft grade anodized aluminum.
  • In 2017 we upgraded our shadow netting to #64 coated nylon.  The new netting is much more durable than previous years.
  • We also added bungee cord for the inner circle drawstring which allows the inner circle to be more uniform during use.
  • This model also comes with galvanized/poly-coated cables and a new shock absorbing ring.
  • Finally, it comes with a 5 pound sand bag for stability.  The VX-3.0 comes with a 5 year manufactures warranty on all aluminum and steel parts.
  • It comes with a 5-year manufacturers warranty on all aluminum and steel parts.

VX-4 Pitch Tracking Baseball Benefits (Baseball Only)

  • The VX-4 plays a vital role in creating tangible space for enhancing strike recognition for hitters.
  • This implicit trainer engages the hitters brain directly and provides necessary non-verbal spatial information relative to mastering strike recognition on game day.  
  • It can be used for live bp on the field.
  • This piece comes with a User’s Manual and a visual aid for demonstrating the areas of focus during training. 

Here’s the VX-4 in action…

VX-4 Strike Zone Baseball System Features (Baseball Only)

  • Circular frame and tripod with extendable legs made of 3/8″ X 1″ 6061 aircraft grade anodized aluminum.
  • In 2017 we upgraded our shadow netting to #64 coated nylon.  The new netting is much more durable than previous years.
  • We also added bungee cord for the inner circle drawstring which allows the inner circle to be more uniform during use.
  • It comes standard with 12 polypropylene prompters for making different strike zone spaces.
  • It comes with a 5 year manufactures warranty on all aluminum and steel parts.

VX-5 Pitch Detection Benefits (Baseball & Softball)

  • The VX-5 is the mid-sized trainer in the VX-Series of products.
  • It plays a vital role in creating tangible space for enhancing strike recognition for hitters.
  • This implicit trainer engages the hitters brain directly and provides necessary non-verbal spatial information relative to mastering strike recognition on game day.  
  • It can be used independently or in combination with the VX-3 and/or VX-7 during training or live bp on the field.
  • (Added Value) This trainer can be used as a SBP-5/BBP-5 (Pitching trainer) by simply removing the cable and ring system.  This is a tremendous benefit for customers on a tight budget.
  • This piece comes with a User’s Manual and a visual aid for demonstrating the areas of focus during training.
  • Watch the VX-5 assembly video to gain tips on how to assemble the VX-5… (The only difference between the VX-5 and VX-7 assembly is size.  The assembly is identical for each)

VX-5 Pitch Tracking Baseball System Features (Baseball & Softball)

  • Frame is made of 3/8″ X 1″ 6061 aircraft grade anodized aluminum.  
  • In 2017 we upgraded our shadow netting to #64 coated nylon.  The new netting is much more durable than previous years.
  • We also added bungee cord for the inner circle drawstring which allows the inner circle to be more uniform during use.  
  • This model also comes with galvanized/poly-coated cables and a new shock absorbing ring.
  • Finally, it comes with a 5 pound sand bag for stability. 
  • The VX-5 comes with a 5 year manufactures warranty on all aluminum and steel parts.  

VX-7 Strike Zone Baseball Benefits (Baseball & Softball)

  • The VX-7 is the largest trainer in the VX-Series of products.
  • It plays a vital role in creating tangible space for enhancing strike recognition for hitters.
  • This implicit trainer engages the hitters brain directly and provides necessary non-verbal spatial information relative to mastering strike recognition on game day.
  • It can be used independently or in combination with the VX-3 and or VX-5 during training or live bp on the field.
  • (Added Value) This trainer can be used as a SBP-7/BBP-7 (Pitching trainer) by simply removing the cable and ring system.  This is a tremendous benefit for customers on a tight budget.
  • This piece comes with a User’s Manual and a visual aid for demonstrating the areas of focus during training.
  • Watch the VX-7 assembly video to gain tips on how to assemble the VX-7 (The only difference between the VX-5 and VX-7 assembly is size.  The assembly is identical for each).

VX-7 Pitch Detection System Features (Baseball & Softball)

  • Frame is made of 3/8″ X 1″ 6061 aircraft grade anodized aluminum.
  • In 2017 we upgraded our shadow netting to #64 coated nylon.  The new netting is much more durable than previous years.
  • We also added bungee cord for the inner circle drawstring which allows the inner circle to be more uniform during use.
  • This model also comes with galvanized/poly-coated cables and a new shock absorbing ring.
  • Finally, it comes with a 5 pound sand bag for stability.
  • The VX-7 comes with a 5 year manufactures warranty on all aluminum and steel parts.
  • Here are some other blog resources when it comes to pitch recognition:

Here a few more blog resources when it comes to helping hitters with pitch recognition…

Top-10 Youth Batting Gloves: Where They Are And How To Get Them…Youth Batting Gloves - Amazon's Best

Where to find the best youth batting gloves for baseball and softball in 2022, Amazon!  T-ball batting gloves…gloves made by Nike, Marucci, Franklin, and Under Amour.  You’ll find cool batting glove colors like red and smaller sizes like XS.

For those interested in how youth batting gloves are made, then check out this How Products Are Made article.

I often get asked by my parents and players which batting gloves to get.  There are many questions that make up a good batting glove, such as:

  • How long do they last?
  • How “grippy” are they?
  • Will the leather keep its softness after sweating in them?
  • How much do they cost?
  • How do they fit? Snugly, loose, tight?

As of this writing, here are the TOP-10 youth bee-gees on Amazon according to average star ratings, youth sizes, and number of reviews…

#10 – Under Armour Boys’ Youth Clean Up 19

Youth Batting Gloves - Amazon's Best

#9 – Franklin Sports MLB Teeball Flex Series

Youth Batting Gloves - Amazon's Best

#8 – Under Armour Boys’ Clean Up

Youth Batting Gloves - Amazon's Best

#7 – Easton Z3 Hyperskin

Youth Batting Gloves - Amazon's Best

#6 – Franklin Sports MLB Powerstrap Baseball Batting Gloves

Youth Batting Gloves - Amazon's Best

#5 – Franklin Sports 2nd-Skinz Batting Gloves

Youth Batting Gloves - Amazon's Best

#4 – Seibertron B-A-R PRO 2.0 Signature Baseball/Softball Batting Gloves Super Grip Finger Fit for Adult and Youth

Youth Batting Gloves - Amazon's Best

#3 – Franklin Sports MLB Shok-Sorb Neo Batting Gloves (Pair)

Youth Batting Gloves - Amazon's Best

#2 – Youth Louisville Slugger Genuine Batting Gloves

Youth Batting Gloves - Amazon's Best

#1 – Franklin Sports MLB Digitek Batting Gloves

Youth Batting Gloves - Amazon's Best

(Please note: clicking any images above will connect to  These ARE affiliate links.  If you don’t want to click on the links, then that’s okay.  Just copy glove titles and paste into Amazon directly)

Aside from this top-10 batting gloves post, here’s a complimentary Hitting Performance Lab post you might like, titled: “Baseball Training Equipment: Where The Best Is And Where To Get It”

Backspin Tee Baseball Hitting Net: 4 Mistakes Traditional Nets Make



A baseball hitting net isn’t sexy, I know.  They’re boring actually.  Like the batting tee was before Backspin Tee came along.  They have changed the game AGAIN!!

Before watching the video above, consider how Backspin Tee frames their new ‘Launch Angle’ baseball hitting net:Baseball Hitting Net: Backspin Tee

“We know what your thinking, why does this net have a top pocket? The answer: Because that is where line drives are hit. Don’t believe us? We put up the hits that went into the top pockets and the bottom pockets. Every ball got into the bottom pocket was a ground ball….all line drives were hit at the top pockets. This may be a shocker to some people….but this is where line drives have always been. Not re-inventing the game, simply showing it more clarity.”

BREAKING NEWS: “Launch angles” are a data point.  Check out this article titled: Misconceptions About Launch Angle”

A lot of these coaches don’t like the launch angle swing. Well, launch angle is a number. The launch angle is the angle of the ball coming off the bat. It’s hard for hitters to control it.

However, hitters can control their barrel Attack Angle.  The angle the barrel takes to the incoming pitch.  Launch and Attack Angles don’t have to be the same. And most likely they aren’t going to be.  But hitters can better control the latter, not so much the former.

Backspin Tee changed how we use a batting tee.  Now they’re changing the baseball hitting net…

The Net that Helps to Hit More Line Drives

Think about some of the challenges you’ve faced with regular baseball hitting nets?

  1. Takes too long to setup,
  2. Not high enough – balls sailing over the net,
  3. Not wide enough – balls hooking or slicing outside the net, and
  4. Having only one “sock” target to hit into that promotes low level line drives or ground-balls.

#1: Takes too long to setup

Backspin Tee’s Launch Angle baseball hitting net takes 3-minutes to setup… connect the poles, slide them through the sleeves, then connect to base poles…

#2: Not high enough – balls sailing over the net

Many of my local hitters have done damage to garage door windows and masonry because of this.  I know my online lessons located in cold parts of the country, have done damage to inanimate basement objects.

This net is 10-feet tall!  With the low level line drive “sock” target above the typical baseball hitting net one. Typical Bownets are 7-feet tall.

#3: Not wide enough – balls hooking or slicing outside the net

Baseball Hitting Net

Easily portable and comes with a handy-dandy carrying case.

Same as #2, but my young hitters have to thread the needle when practicing their middle in or middle away approach.  Not a lot of margin for error with traditional hitting nets.

This baseball hitting net is 7-feet wide!  Bownets are 7-feet wide as well, but with Backspin Tee’s hitting net, the extra 3-feet of height will catch any high hooks or slices.

And last, but certainly not least…

#4: Having only one “sock” target to hit into that promotes low level line drives or ground-balls

If you do hit a ground ball, there’s a sock net there for you.  And if you do happen to pop up the ball, there’s a better chance the ball won’t sail over the net and do damage.

Look, I teach my hitters to hit the ball back through the “tube”.  If hitter is working off the batting tee, and has the ball set at 4-feet from the ground, then ball should come off bat 4-feet off ground.  If the ball is 2-inches from the ground, then ball should come off bat 2-inches off ground.  Same with a pitched ball.  Hit the ball back through the “tube”

What’s cool about the Backspin Tee baseball hitting net, now there’s a way for your hitter to have ‘launch angle’ target practice.  This Joey Votto interview post titled: “Why Coaches SHOULD NOT Be Obsessed With Launch Angles” talks about the value of barrel control.

Here’s a great example of this, using their Angle Control Drill…

Quick stats on Backspin Tee’s launch angle baseball hitting net:

  • 7′ Wide X 10′ Tall.
  • Double stitched wrapping around the poles,
  • Carry case,
  • Easily portable (goes up in LESS than 3-MINUTES!!),
  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee, and
  • If you do hit a ground ball, we have a sock net there for you, and if you do happen to pop up the ball, its great at being tall enough to catch it.

Amazon’s Top-10 Youth & Adult Model Wooden Baseball Bats

Here’s a good wooden baseball bats article from titled, “Wood Bats or Aluminum Bats?”

I often get asked by my parents whether their player should be hitting with wood.  My answer is YES!!!  Especially overloaded wood bats, which I’ll share my favorite shortly.

As of this writing, here are the TOP-10 wooden baseball bats on Amazon, according to average star ratings, youth or adult models, and number of reviews…

Youth Models

#10 – Big Drop Youth Maple Wood Bat, 5-8 Drop, 2.5″ Barrel

Best Wooden Baseball Bats

#9 – Brett Bros. Maple/Bamboo Wood Youth Bat

Best Wooden Baseball Bats

#8 – SAM BAT Youth LL CD1 Maple Wood Bat

Best Wooden Baseball Bats

#7 – Louisville Slugger 2020 Youth Legacy Maple Wood Bat Series

Best Wooden Baseball Bats

#6 – Marucci Andrew McCutchen Maple Wood Youth Bat

Best Wooden Baseball Bats

#5 – Rawlings Adirondack Ash Wood Youth Bat

Best Wooden Baseball Bats

#4 – HARD 2 THE CORE Maple Wood Bat, Big Barrel I-13 Bat

Best Wooden Baseball Bats

#3 – Marucci Albert Pujols Maple Wood Youth Baseball Bat

Best Wooden Baseball Bats

#2 – Wilson Louisville Slugger Youth Ash Natural Tball

Best Wooden Baseball Bats

#1 – Louisville Slugger 2020 Youth Genuine Baseball Bat Series

Best Wooden Baseball Bats


Adult Models

#10 – BARNETT Baseball PRO Maple Wood Bat

Best Wooden Baseball Bats

#9 – Rawlings Velo Ash Wood Bat

Best Wooden Baseball Bats

#8 – Pinnacle Sports Adult 30 Day-Warranty Wood Bat

Best Wooden Baseball Bats

#7 – Mizuno 2014 Maple Carbon Composite Wood Bat

Best Wooden Baseball Bats

#6 – Easton 34″ North American Maple Wood Softball Bat

Best Wooden Baseball Bats

#5 – EASTON K2000 White Ash Wood Bat, 2021, Balanced, Traditional Knob, Handcrafted in USA

Best Wooden Baseball Bats

#4 – Wilson Louisville Slugger Genuine Series 3X Ash Mixed Wood Bat, 32/29

Best Wooden Baseball Bats

#3 – Wilson Louisville Slugger Genuine Series 3X Ash Mixed Bat, 33/30

Best Wooden Baseball Bats

#2 – EASTON White Ash Wooden Bat, Balanced, Traditional Knob, Handcrafted in USA

Best Wooden Baseball Bats

#1 – Wilson Louisville Slugger Genuine Series 3X Ash Mixed Wooden Bat 34/31

Best Wooden Baseball Bats

(Please note: clicking any images above will connect to  These ARE affiliate links.  If you don’t want to click on the links, then that’s okay.  Just copy bat titles and paste into Amazon directly)

Aside from this top-10 wooden baseball bats post, here’s a complimentary Hitting Performance Lab post you might like, titled: “Baseball Training Equipment: Where The Best Is And Where To Get It”

Discover how to improve pitch recognition skills for ANY hitter with the best in training aids, online courses, and drills in this PART-2 interview with Bill Masullo…



This is Part-2 to the Facebook LIVE conversation I recently had with Bill Masullo, who is the Co-Owner and Senior Baseball Instructor at the Ultimate Edge @ Goodsports.  In case you missed Part-1, where we talked about the effect Fortnite has on our hitter’s mental health, then CLICK HERE.

The subject of this interview is complimentary to a post I did titled, “Why Fortnite May Be Dangerous To Building Hitters Who Crush”HEADS UP: us two knuckle-dragging hitting coaches were having technical difficulties (I know SHOCKER!) before the start of this video.  This is probably the fourth and final take!

Below are some highlighted notes I took for you…

  • At the 0:50 minute mark, how does posture effect the swing, studies show young athletes sit 80% of their day, certain groups of muscles get tight and others turn off, Gymnastics, Dance, Martial Arts, Swimming are great counter disciplines to friction free movement, rock climbing is also a great “counter” to chronic sitting positions.
  • At the 4:00 minute mark, how working on screens (mobile, tv, computer) for extended periods of time effect ball players, for every 20 minutes of screen time, the eyes need 5-minutes off the screen, Dr. Peter Fadde and “video occlusion” training using his Game Sense Sports app, pitch recognition training, The 6th Tool: Training Baseball Pitch Recognition book by Dr. Peter Fadde.
  • At the 9:30 minute mark, Major League hitters track better than amateurs (but ALL hitters can improve), below average, average, and above average “learn-ability”, Aaron Miles High School story about coach, in mid-90’s, putting particle board in way of hitter during pitcher bullpens (similar to Dr. Peter Fadde’s Game Sense Sports app), Jaime Cevallos pitch recognition hitting aid interview post.
  • At the 13:00 minute mark, Bill asks what parents should know about vision training, Perry Husband foremost expert on timing, vision, and training research, simulating pitch plane, don’t throw to 7yo from standing position 20-30 feet away – like hitting up a mountain, throw seated on a bucket, size of ball short distance makes a difference – baseball players hitting golf sized whiffle balls from 30-40 feet, perceived ball size from 60-feet, 6-inches, or 45-feet.
  • At the 16:45 minute mark, pitch recognition cues, “fat” wrist versus “skinny” wrist, shape of the arm coming through, curve-balls sometimes look like a “bicep” curl, gets challenging when pitchers slot their arm in the same arm slot, Effective Velocity (EV) Tunnels, more strikeouts than hits in the MLB now, Perry Husband coined this concept, perceived velocity to the hitter, easier for corner-back to cover wide receivers running similar routes (deep & post), versus more difficult for one corner-back to cover two wide receivers when one runs deep and another does a 5-yard 90-degree cut, a pitch farther away from the hitter (low-away), perceived velocity is slower, a pitch closer to the eyes (up-in), perceived velocity is faster.
  • At the 22:00 minute mark, I asked Perry Husband how do you counter pitchers exploiting EV tunnels in hitters?  Learning to “hunt” pitches, hunting specific pitches in specific locations, “belly button”, back foot, and real catcher’s glove barrel entering the zone positions (CLICK HERE for more on this), random pitch rounds, my son “hunting” Ford Mustang cars when driving on the road, hunting pitches is less relevant with younger pitchers, and college and professional ball – hunting pitches becomes more relevant, data collection.
  • At the 30:00 minute mark, find Perry Husband’s vision, tracking, and timing products:, my courses relating to vision, tracking, timing, and foot work are: On-Time Hitter 2.0: Engineering The Alpha (the essentials), and Reaction Time Mastery (full course which includes On-Time Hitter 2.0 videos).

You Too Can Get Your Hitters To Sharpen Plate Discipline, Re-Calibrate Timing, & Barrel The Ball More Often In Two 5-Swing Rounds Per Week With Distraction TrainingDistraction Training:

(SAFETY DISCLAIMER: those that have had or are prone to epileptic seizures, SHOULD NOT use these goggles)…

Ongoing studies are revealing distraction training using Strobe Goggles are giving dramatic results from little use.

Here are a couple studies that were conducted…

PLEASE NOTE: The players and coaches were reminded of individual swing issues before and after each experiment period.  During they were not.  They were reminded of breathing, composure, and head position during the distraction.  Generally and very often as encouragement and reinforcement.

A recent 6-week test was 5 swings without the goggles, 5 with, and 5 without, so 15 swings total per week. These hitters increased Ball Exit Speeds between 2 to 5-mph after the 6-week period.

Another recent 8-week study had hitters using goggles for 1-hour throughout the week, totally 100-150 swings per week.  Swings without the goggles were mixed in throughout the week as well.  These hitters averaged 14.3-mph Ball Exit Speed increases at the end of the 8-week period.

We can safely say that between those numbers we’ve seen a relative increase in positive performance output using the goggles.

My good friend Ken Carswell (KC) at is SUPER busy cooking up brand new training gear disrupting how coaches practice:

  • Plate discipline,
  • Timing, and
  • Barreling the ball more often

…with their hitters.

If you remember, I did an interview with KC earlier in 2016, CLICK HERE to read that.

The Hitter’s CODE stands for:

  • Cognitive
  • Occlusion
  • Distraction
  • Environments

If you remember, video occlusion training is what Dr. Peter Fadde talked about in this interview I did with him – CLICK HERE.

Also, CLICK HERE to see how Perry Husband uses a pinch of distraction training to calibrate tracking and timing in this HPL interview.

Basically, KC the “Mad Scientist”, is putting together a “smart” hitter’s helmet that will benefit the three categories I mentioned before.

Here’s a taste of what’s coming (and is already here) with the distraction training helmet:

  • Strobe Goggles as shown in the video above (Phase-1 and is a prelude to the helmet),
  • Audio Distraction – this includes rhythm, disruption rhythm, crowd noise – boos v. cheers (Phase-1 and is coming when helmet is ready to launch at 2017 ABCA January conference in Anaheim, California),
  • Phase-2 and details are in the works…

Believe me, distraction training WILL BE the FUTURE of hitting.

KC will reserve a spot for those interested in the distraction training helmet, so CLICK HERE to RESERVE YOUR SPOT today!

Bownet: The Swiss Army Knife Of Hitting Nets

Bownet: Here's A Quick Way To Hit ANYWHERE

Bownet Big Mouth hitting net for baseball & softball

Recently, I’ve had a few hitting lessons during the week where we have to hit at an outdoor field with lights because it gets dark too soon.

At this field, there are two nice tunnel hitting cages, and the park rents the field and facilities out to local leagues for use  (By the way, this park was paid for by public taxes).  

Unfortunately, the cages are locked even when there isn’t a team practicing.  So, what is a coach, parent, or instructor to do when you show up for a hitting lesson, practice, or tournament and don’t have access to a cage?

Take out my Bownet Big Mouth “sock” hitting net of course!

In this BEST-OF hitting net post, we’ll go over:

  • BowNet benefits, and introduce a…
  • Limited Time ONLY coupon code.

The Bownet makes any kind of practice – anywhere – possible…it’s uniquely designed, easy to use, completely portable, and conveniently versatile


BowNet Benefits

Bownet: The Swiss Army Knife Of Hitting Nets

Bownet Big Mouth hitting net customer reviews on

  • 7X7 Hitting Area – more compact than the Jugs Pop-out net…and makes hitting in your garage or basement “do-able”,
  • The “socknet feature” cuts cleanup time in half, which means less wasted time and more quality cuts,
  • BowNet’s unique award winning “Square-Plus” design catches & protects MORE than any popular hitting net (in other words, it stops more mis-hits),
  • 7-key uses for the Bownet: 1) tee work, 2) soft toss, 3) front toss protection, 4) backstop for hitter, 5) catcher for pitchers, 6) catch target for fielders, and 7) mini-driving range for avid golfers,
  • So easy an 8-year-old can set up and take down (true story!!),
  • Comes with an easy to carry padded carrying case (overall weight, not more than 15-pounds),
  • Sets up in less than 180-seconds,
  • Stable even on windy days (comes with two grass spikes to anchor down, just in case), and
  • Super customer service and a 1-year limited warranty…


Limited Time ONLY Coupon Code

I was required to purchase about a dozen of these before I could sell them.  This was part of Bownet’s distributor policy.  So I need to liquidate my inventory.  The catch?  The following $30 OFF coupon code is only good for 7 orders.  I’ll even throw in life-time access to The Truth About Explosive Rotational Power Course for free (a $67-97 value) to each of the seven orders.

This deal is valid at my safe and secure online store (look for “HTTPS” in domain name),  Here’s how to order…

STEP-1: Click Here to Place Your BowNet Order

  • STEP-2: CLICK HERE for a Step-By-Step video on how to apply the BOWNET30TRUTH $30 OFF Coupon Code to your order.  The preceding video link was shot after featuring a ProHammer coupon code that is no longer available, but the process is still the same.
  • STEP-3: Once I receive your order, I’ll send you login access to The Truth Course.  You’ll get access within 24-hours.

PLEASE NOTE: Limit one coupon use per customer.  You don’t want to show up to a field for a hitting lesson or tournament and not have a backup plan for your hitters in case the field’s facilities are unavailable.  This deal won’t last long.  Only the people on my email list are being notified of this deal.  Once the seven are purchased, the $30 Coupon Code and The Truth Course deal expires.

And, if you’re reading this after the deal expires, I apologize for pulling an “Apple” product stunt on you.  My wife is making me clean house, so I have to move these fast 🙁